Article: T4-101


Hybrid Simulation using the Subfeed in Highly Complex and Non-Linear Numerical Models


Uwe E. Dorka1, Ferran Obón Santacana2

1 Universität Kassel
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, D-34125 Kassel, Germany
2 Universität Kassel
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, D-34125 Kassel, Germany



Abstract. Hybrid Simulation is a technique where a numerical model is connected online to a specimen. So far the complexity of the models was limited to small-scale models coupled with only a few specimens. The Substep-Force-Feedback algorithm (Subfeed) is an advanced Hybrid Simulation scheme, which has been applied in a wide variety of applications, not only in civil engineering but also in aerospace. It allows for the use of large, complex numerical models having a couple of thousand dynamic degrees of freedom and including several hundred non-linear numerical substructures. Due to its parallel capabilities and equal treatment of specimen and non-linear numerical substructures, even real-time applications are possible for such applications. The Subfeed owes this success to its independence of any numerical model that predicts the behavior of the specimen, something that every Predictor-Corrector (PreCor) method requires. In the Subfeed, only the measured (force) response of a specimen is used without making any assumptions about, or having any knowledge of, its underlying mechanics. This kind of complexity is encountered in the Hybid Simulation of antique structures where columns are made of stone blocks that present complex mechanical behaviour, like in the Temple of Neptune in Paestum, Italy (World Heritage): An ideal application for the Subfeed.
Keywords: Subfeed, Predictor-Corrector, Hybrid Simulation, complex numerical models, Temple of Neptune.


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